Contractor profile

General Information

The Profile of the Contractor of the Municipal Company of Initiatives and Business Activities of Málaga SA (Promálaga) is the element that groups the information and documents related to its contractual activity, in order to ensure transparency and public access to them.

In compliance with article 347 of Law 9/2017, all the information is published on the State contracting platform, according to the competent contracting body by reason of the amount. Everything related to Promálaga's contracting procedures is regulated and is done in accordance with the provisions of Law 9/2017, of November 8, on Public Sector Contracts, by which the Directives of the European Parliament and of the Council 2014/23/UE and 2014/24/UE, of February 26, 2014, and other applicable regulations.


Bidding process whose deadline for submitting offers has not expired.