Discover the financial keys to guarantee your business success in our workshop for SMEs and the self-employed

Discover the financial keys to guarantee your business success in our workshop for SMEs and the self-employed

It will take place on Thursday, April 11 at 10:00 a.m. at the Promálaga Economistas incubator (34 Beatas Street)

It is free and is aimed at both entrepreneurs who are starting their activity and entrepreneurs who do not have a company established.

01/04/2024.- The municipal company Promálaga, belonging to the Area of ​​Innovation, Digitalization, and Investment Capture of the , organizes next Thursday, April 11, the workshop practical and face-to-face 'Financial and strategic keys to business success'.

It will be in our incubator Economist Promalagas, on Calle Beatas 34, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 a.m. and the day is aimed at both entrepreneurs who are starting their activity or thinking about creating their own business and entrepreneurs who do not have a company established and are in the process. of constitution.

This workshop is part of our seminar 'Practical notes to manage your company' and will be taught by Otem Advisors. The speakers Rafael García de la Vega, Antonio Mateo Rubio and Anabel Ramírez Serrano will address the strategic and commercial plan of the companies, the management and control system (KPI's), the balance sheet, the profit and loss account, and the economic analysis, among other issues.

The day is aimed at both entrepreneurs who are starting their activity or thinking about creating their own business as a entrepreneurs that do not have an established company and are in the process of being established.


This workshop on financial and strategic keys is free, but you must register in advance by filling out this form: